S&L Podcast - #429 - Pivot to Therapy

We have a rousing discussion of redemption in Light from Uncommon Stars, get way too many awesome items for our to be read lists from the ALA, and discuss pivoting the show to include TV shows (and maybe therapy?).

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Tom: Terra Beer

Veronica: Fort Point


terpkristin: Just got an email from Chicago Worldcon that Hugo nominations are open now! Maybe nominate your favorite sword-y and laser-y podcast.

to which Mark added: In 2021, S&L had 24 nominations for Best Fancast. Of the six podcasts that made the 2021 Hugo ballot, 28 nominations was enough to make the cut, and three of the podcasts were within 10 nominations of S&L. So, it would just take a few more people, and maybe a reminder to V and T to nominate themselves too. ;-)

Trike: Amazon just announced the title of their LOTR prequel series.

It’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

It premieres on Amazon Prime on September 2nd

Jan: Deadline reports that Parasite director Bong Joon Ho is in talks to write and direct an untitled film based on Edward Ashton’s upcoming novel Mickey7 for Warner Bros

Jan: The adaptation of Tomi Adeyemi's ""Children of Blood and Bone"" has moved from Lucasfilm to Paramount.

grkpektis: Stephen King announces a new book called Fairy Tale about a kid from the real world going to a fantasy world. I’m calling it now the kid is going to be evil.

Genesee: The American Library Association (ALA) had their annual awards ceremony



LIGHT FROM UNCOMMON STARS, Ryka Aoki. This book is a call to action -- I want to eat great food, listen to great music but also practice compassion and forgive mistakes. Finding true love might be in there somewhere as well.


Not gonna lie, I'm excited too


I posted a reply tweet in German, but my German is so rusty and bad I deleted it. ;) Anyway, thank you so much for the mention, @swordandlaser! (and hi and super congratulations, @scalzi!)"



The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo. (thanks Seth!!!)

Amazon link

Book briefing


Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki

Amazon link

"Dwango — 01/24/2022

Finished it! Liked her descriptions of food, violin culture, and making donuts. It was somewhat an orderly stream of thought with each small break of space between text and the occasional chapter break. Liked it and got a bit hungry."

"HarryB — 01/25/2022

I had read this not too long after it came out, admittedly starting from some dark place, it became incredibly positive and I even found myself chuckling out loud when I read it (it's ok, only the cat was listening). I certainly respect this author for somehow pulling off a mashup of fantasy, science fiction, humor, donuts, and music, not 'pulling it off somehow' but succeeding incredibly well, bravo!"

"Gillian — Yesterday at 9:35 AM

Finished last night. Really loved it."

"BethMitcham — 01/21/2022

I finished the book and enjoyed it a lot. One gap I noticed was the oldest son gets short shrift. He never gets unfrozen. Was killing the earthlings really that much worse than trying to murder Shirley? "

LFUS: Why I Didn’t Like This Book (SPOILERS)


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