S&L Podcast - #427 - Dead Family Trees

Congrats Murderbot! In congratulations, we will let you watch your dramas unbothered by human emotions. We wonder some about Chengdu. And we not only kick off our January pick, but wrap up our December one too!

Download directly here!


Tom: St. Francis Anthem

Veronica: Apothic Red


Mark: 2021 Murderbot Hugo Awards

Silvana: Complete list of 2021 Hugo Award, Astounding and Lodestar winners

Ruth: Chengdu, China has been selected as the host city for the 81st WorldCon in 2023

Jan: Goodreads has published their readers' most anticipated books of 2022. In the Science Fiction & Fantasy category we have.

And KristyH tipped us off to one from TOR

John: Last year I was introduced to the Book Riot reading log


Drake Tungsten


Found 10 books on my @goodreads list via NPR's book section. Found 16 of my books via

@swordandlaser Book Club.


Beth Mitcham


AURORA RISING, Alastair Reynolds. I liked the mix of comfortable tropes (he mentors the unwanted gems of the service! evil AIs!) and Cool SF ideas (the Clockmaker, the Glitter band). I hope a future book features the pigmen.



I learned about The StoryGraph from the host of another podcast

Justine (AuroraLee in all the places)"



Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki (Amazon link)

Book Briefing


The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova

TIoOD: Would it be better if it was linear?

TIoOD: Audiobook

TIoOD: Have you seen the movie Encanto?

S&L Podcast - #426 - Pillow Friends

End of year book lists for days! Who can take on Arthur C. Clarke and pillow friends?

Download directly here!


Tom: Egg Nog
Veronica: Water


Ruth: The Goodreads Choice winners have been announced!

Jan: Lithub has released their list of best reviewed Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror books of 2021. The site pulled reviews from more than 150 sources to get to their list.

Paul: The New York Times has its list of Best SFF of the year, as curated by Amal El-Mohtar (co-author of How to Lose the Time War among other things).

Zomino: End of the year lists keep coming (Best Scifi of 2021 from Polygon)

There were also book lists from The Guardian UK, several based on Reddit mentions

RMutt1917 and Louie - Denis Villeneuve is set to adapt the Arthur C. Clarke classic, Rendezvous with Rama, with Morgan Freeman as a producer, who previously held the rights to the novel.

Mark: Tor.com announced the table-of-contents for Some of the Best from Tor.com 2021.

Mark: The Sunday Morning Transport is a newsletter that will begin publishing weekly speculative short fiction in January 2022.


Rob: “Thanks to 34 donors, we've had our best year yet. Not only did we break our previous high of 30 donors, but we also broke our previous donation amount by just over $450 for a grand total of $6,203!
Thanks again to everyone who donated to our team."

Idea for a future show title: Pillow Friends

steampunk and synthwave computer created art. I have no idea what these images are based on, but they're kind of interesting; from http://womba.art"


The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova

elianara — 12/12/2021
Started reading it, or really listening to the audiobook. If someone else has problems following along with all the members of the family, I found the family tree on the author's website "


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #425 - Literary Mosaic

We wrap up our last thoughts on Aurora Rising by Alistair Reynolds and kick off the new read, The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova.

Download directly here!


Tom: Korean Food

Veronica: GunBun Chardonay

Worldbuilders is live! it runs until December 14th.

Rob created a team page for Sword & Laser:

Worldbuilders is a geeky, book-centered charity working to build a better world!

Please help us support Worldbuilders & Heifer International by making a donation through our page. The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!"


Tamahome: Amazon has a wheel of Time guide in case you're lost

Mark: Here's an interesting new graphic novel The History of Science Fiction: A Graphic Novel Adventure by Xavier Dollo with art by Djibril Morissette-Phan

Trike: The Barnes & Noble Speculative Fiction Book of the Year is Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune, the author of The House in the Cerulean Sea.

Jan: Ridley Scott has revealed that both an Alien and a Blade Runner live action series are in the works.

Mark: The audiobook of Aftermath by LeVar Burton, read by the author, has been nominated for a Grammy: Best Spoken Word Album (Category #58)

Have any other SF&F tales have been nominated for a Grammy?

Seth: Best-of lists are starting to be thick on the ground, but I thought this one was worth linking here. Picked by notable authors (Lavie Tidhar and Silvia Moreno-Garcia) and including some books I hadn't heard of before.


Leviathan Falls, the 9th and final novel in The Expanse just dropped!!

(Running and jumping around the house with my arms flapping over my head and a crazed look on my face while shouting 'woo hoo!!'...)


Jade Legacy, the 3rd and final novel in the Green Bone Saga just dropped!!

See previous post for "running jumping flapping crazed shouting"


@hmmeade: @ReadingGPodcast is a great one for book lovers. And @swordandlaser is a great sci/fi/fantasy book podcast. @metamilkpod is a wonderful "life's big questions" kind of podcast. @officeladiespod is fun if you are a "Office" fan.

@tt_linse @swordandlaser I've loved you for a long time, but now I'm totally invested and it's torture between episodes! You're toying with me! "

Ruth: I love the verbal picture of me as the leader of a plucky band of rebels, going against the tyranny of the official October book pick! Also, I love the concept of a “300-page novella.” Kind of like a three-course snack, or a forty-mile marathon. That’s Tad Williams for you I guess" "Jenny: I think in the past when an alt-pick has been unofficial it was referred to as a "rogue read." So Ruth is the ROGUE leader of a plucky band of rebels, obviously."


Kick Off

The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova


Aurora Rising/The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds

HarryB in Discord: I've been reading Revelation Space all out of order, but I still love it all. I am one of those people who don't mind reading things out of order, and for many books, (no criticism here) the genre is predictable enough that I can understand what's going on (Reynolds, less so, but not less enjoyable - I revel in all his inventions). I had read the sequel to Aurora Rising, Elysium Fire, back in 2019. I'm not sure I've even got the feeling of "oh now I understand" feeling after reading Aurora Rising / The Prefect -- it's all such a crazy quilt you just flow with it. I wonder if anyone else has been reading out of order, and what's your experience. Chasm City has been on my TBR list, but I'm wondering if I should listen to one of those Internet 'reading order' lists?

Tamahome: Reynolds himself says the books are a "mosaic" not a "series".

Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks.

S&L Podcast - #424 - Prefect's Progress

We have pumpkin spiked lattes and cheese. In fact one cheesy book literally molds. Plus we check in with a non-spoilery discussion of Aurora Rising/The Prefect by Alistair Reynolds.

Download directly here!


Tom: Rebel Hard Pumpkin Spice Latte

Veronica: Gunbun Zinfandel

"Mark: Ok, our hosts have a ""What are we drinking segment?"" in the podcast so this news item is fair game, right? Limited edition vodka, coming November 18. Your choice of Arby's Crinkle Fry or Arby's Curly Fry flavor. Will go well with a nice fantasy pick for December."


Jan: The winners of the 2021 World Fantasy Awards have been announced

Jan: Bookpage's best Science Fiction & Fantasy books of 2021 are

Minsta: A special for the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary (movies) will be coming to HBO Max on 1/1/22

And Tamahome tipped us off to a Hogwarts Tournament of Roses game show coming November 28th hosted by Helen Mirren on TBS and Cartoon Network

Gristle McNerd: There's going to be new audiobooks of the Discworld novels, featuring big fancy famous people as the narrators

Jan: Philip K. Dick's novel Vulcan’s Hammer is getting adapted as a movie. Director Francis Lawrence (Hunger Games, I am Legend) is attached.

Aethon: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America has named Mercedes Lackey as the 38th Damon Knight Grand Master.

AndrewP: Tad Williams is back on form. On his website he announced that the third volume of his second Osten Ard trilogy is so massive that it will have to be split and published as two books:) And more

Jan: Shazad Latif (Star Trek: Discovery, Penny Dreadful) has been cast as Captain Nemo in the upcoming Disney+ series "Nemo"

Richard: Taika Waititi… is planning to co-write and direct an adaption of the graphic novel The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Mœbius.

Tamahome: This is a test trailer for an animated version of The Incal that unfortunately never happened.


Mark: There is a Kraft singles book titled ""20 Slices"" by Ben Denzer. It was acquired by the University of Michigan Art, Architecture & Engineering Library for one of their Special Collections. The book is kept in a controlled environment, but alas, mold has set in.

Jan: I assume there won't be a youtube video this time [ed. Ep 423]? Not a problem, just wondering...

Unofficial October alt-read: Mexican Gothic


Non-spoilery Check In

Aurora Rising/The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds

Book briefing

AR: What does Dreyfus look like to you?

AR: Being thrown into the deep end...


maljking — 11/15/2021

Seems like a lot of people are really loving this book and the universe it’s set in. Add me to that list. Alistair Reynolds has long been on my TBR but I’ve never really looked into what he’s written, and I’m trying to keep it that way until I’m finished this book.

Can see myself adding whatever else he’s done to my pile."


"Finished the audiobook last night on the ride home, I think I had a few hours to spare before the auto return to the library. I both remembered and misrememberd parts of the story from when I originally read it. I did still like it on this reread, it is a good story, and I can see why he made a sequel. Even after rereading this I'm surprised with the rename, but it may make more sense to the series. I was actually surprised he didn't call them the Clockmaker Chronicles, I liked the alliteration.

Tamahome —

Aurora Ascending?

Gristle McNerd —

Dreyfus Dramas

Tamahome —

Sparver’s Speculations

ttlinse —

Dreyfus's Dreadfuls?

Tamahome —

Dreyfus’s Denouement

Deseao —

Prefect's Progress

Tamahome —

Jane's Pain

Deseao —

Do Supreme Prefects NOT Dream Of Electric Scarab Implants?"


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #423 - Shrike Stans

We talk a little about cheese, a lot about wine, and too much about the Shrike. Plus lots of good Dune news, and we kick off our read of an Alastair Reynolds novel that may be called The Prefect or Aurora Rising depending on where you buy it.

Download directly here!


Tom: St. Francis Old Vines Zinfandel

Veronica: Gundlach Bunschu Gewürztraminer


Mark: Legendary Comics is kickstarting the official Dune graphic novel adaptation.

Mark: Up for auction later this month: Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune

Mark: Season 2 of Orphan Black: The Next Chapter dropped Friday Oct 29.

Trike: Barnes & Noble book of the year finalists:

Trike: The Witcher, season 2, December 17, Netflix.

Jan: There's a full trailer now for the Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime Video

Jan: A trailer for the adaptation of the novel "Station Eleven"" has been released: Station Eleven"

Mark: Hyperion by Dan Simmons, which was previously in development as a tv series, now being developed for film by Bradley Cooper


Veronica Belmont @Veronica That feeling when you're reading a review of a book and it includes a verb that you made up one time. cc: @swordandlaser https://t.co/cmePfd6I0h"

Trike: 17 Indigenous Science Fiction And Fantasy Books To Read This Month

Elizabeth @veronica here is a BYS: The number of people watching Riverside is awesome, thanks for doing live vid recordings of the podcast in the middle of the day in Australia!"



Aurora Rising/The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds

Book briefing

AR: curated glossary

S&L Podcast - #422 - Horror is Like Cheese

Veronica and Tom discover why horror is like cheese. Plus the reason a German book is being made into an English TV show by Germans. And our spoilery final thoughts on NOS4A2 by Joe Hill!

Download directly here!


Tom: San Pellegrino

Veronica: Fort Point Animal


Trike: The Expanse, s6 (final season) teaser, December 10, Amazon Prime.

Jan: German TV Broadcaster ZDF adapts the domestic 2004 hit science fiction novel The Swarm by author Frank Schätzing in English for international audiences

Mark: In a followup discussion to last year's Post Apocalyptic Present, the Supreme Laser joins Blanca López, Ian Tregillis, Lonnie Nadler, Mark Russell, and Paul Constant in a discussion about Post Apocalyptic Past, hosted by Dan Campos.

Cammy: The Star Trek novelverse is coming to an end with a trilogy of books

Seth: Lit Hub picks the 25 most iconic book covers ever, and quite a few SFF covers make the list.

NOS4A2, Joe Hill. Wimpy me is proud of making it through this book, although I read a lot of it peering through my fingers. Kid danger is kryptonite for me, and this ride was fueled by it. Hill knows how to get pages turned.

Charlie Manx from Nos4as2 is obviously patterned after Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

NOS4A2 is great, really dark and disturbing. From my
@goodreads review, “The idea that ‘we live in two worlds... the real world... [and] the world of thought’ is the powerful and thought-provoking theme of Hill's book.”


NOS4A2 by Joe HIll

Not Just Horror - Also Urban Fantasy

From Tamahome on Discord: "Here Is Every Stephen King Reference Joe Hill Included In 'NOS4A2'" (also a thread from Buzz in Goodreads)

NOS4A2: An unexpected gut-punch (SPOILERS)


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks/

S&L Podcast - #421 - N0T4U2?

Some things aren't for everybody, like our current read NOS4A2, or the new Game of Thrones trailer. But don't worry, there are plenty of other great things to read like the British Fantasy Award winners and more!

Download directly here!


Tom: St. Francis Cabernet

Veronica: Woodford Reserve


Buzz: the Leviathan Falls: Expanse, Book 9 release date has been pushed back 2 weeks (again) from Nov 16th to Nov 30th (and December 2 in the UK) 😭😭😭

Jan: The British Fantasy Awards have been announced

Jan: Laura Jean McKay has been announced as the winner of the 2021 Arthur C. Clarke Award for her novel The Animals in That Country"

Jan: From Locus Mag: A Thousand Li: The Second Sect"" by Tao Wong is one of the five titles on the 2021 Kindle Storyteller Award shortlist

Trike: Never Fear, Here Are 63 New Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Books to Ease You Into Spooky Season


Jan -- Mini Rant: I don't like (audio)books adopting the covers of movies.

Eric -- Not to argue with Tom too much, but the idea of the Saxons invading and driving out the Celts is out of favor now with archeologists. DNA testing is debunking the hypothesis.

The new idea is that a small number of Saxons and related peopled moved to Britain an the locals adopted Saxon ways.

Tamahome -- I wonder if Veronica makes her own kombucha.

Trike --

Re: wine —

I’m not an oenophile and the only wine I’ve ever actually liked was a white merlot (not a typo). But, one of the things I’ve picked up over the years is that this stuff about “white goes with fish” and “red goes with meat” and “MD 20/20 goes with meth” is that all of that is nonsense that’s a result of some petty palace politics back in the day.

Like the dumb “never split an infinitive”, this is not a real rule. So don’t feel bad about your wine preferences. Just because some old French guy got in a fight with some old British guy and they picked sides shouldn’t dictate your choices.


NOS4A2 by Joe HIll

House of the Dragon trailer

S&L Podcast - #420 - Spoopy Spoilers

Lots of award winners to beef up your To Be Read lists, plus our assumptions about Murderbot, what makes a spoiler a spoiler, and we wrap up our final thoughts on Terra Nullius.

Download directly here!


Tom: Rosé

Veronica: Rosé


Ruth A book shortage is upon us!!

Trike: 26 New Science Fiction And Fantasy Books To Read This Fall

Jan: FIYAH magazine has announced this year's Ignyte Awards winners

Mark: A first edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, uncut in original boards, sold at auction for USD 1,170,000 at Christie's. Could it be the S&L bump? ;-P

Terpkristin: Dragon Con 2021 is over, which means that the winners have been announced for their annual awards.

Seth: Sword and Laser pick Piranesi wins the 2021 Women's Prize for fiction


Jerry Perez @raging3vil
Oh dang! @swordandlaser

Tamahome @tamahome02000
@swordandlaser The new hit music video about the Murderbot sweeping the nation

Is There a Perfect Shape for Books?

Other Worlds You Love and/or Hate



NOS4A2 by Joe HIll


Terra Nullius by Claire G. Coleman


Does anyone else prefer to go in totally cold?

TN: Wait, what? (Spoilers - do not read until at least chapter 10 if you don’t want to be spoiled (but still use tags y’all))


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #419 - Trust Me, It's SciFi

Tom and Veronica are jealous of those with Leviathan Falls ARCs, and wonder if a phobia ever affected your book enjoyment! Plus we kick-off Terra Nullius, and Tom reassures us that it IS SciFi.

Download directly here!


Tom: Coke Zero Sugar

Veronica: Agua


Mark: Leviathan Falls ARCs have been spotted in the wild!

Tamahome: Youtuber Media Death Cult did another video with Alastair Reynolds about the sf books that inspired him. Some more unusual picks:

Jan: The first trailer for Amazon's Wheel of Time series has been released

Jim: relevant to your interests, the companion score to the Dune art book just dropped

3 Random (Calvey) in Discord

Gristle McNerd in Discord: Humble is doing an audiobook bundle again. Some big name authors, and graphic audio does good work. They've got the full cast and the foley and things.


Feedback from the audienceHas your phobia ever affected your enjoyment of a story?

Used Books vs ebooks

Dr. Joe Sarsero, Ph.D. @JoeSarsero
Some historical background on the term “Terra Nullius” as it pertains to Australia.


Terra Nullius by Claire G. Coleman


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks/

S&L Podcast - #418 - Don’t Fart On My Art

Alastair Reynolds has a book, Tom needs a bookcrate sub stat, and our wrap-up of The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry.


Tom: St. Francis Syrah
Veronica: Rosé

Download directly here!


John: Alastair Reynolds has recently released a new book in the Revelation Space universe - Inhibitor Phase

Ruth: Don’t know if anyone is into book crate subscriptions but I thought y’all might like to know that Illmunicrate is doing an exclusive hardback set of the Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee when Jade Legacy comes out later this year.

Mark: George R.R. Martin Just Made a Sci-Fi Film With Vincent D’Onofrio

The short film, currently in post-production, is based on Night Of The Cooters, a short story by Howard Waldrop. … the short story is available online from Clarkesworld.


Drake Tungsten-2 @blueseaturtle12

@swordandlaser @acedtect @Veronica Thanks again for talking about Mary Robinette Kowal's "Lady Astronaut" series in some of your 2019 episodes. I stayed up all night reading "The Fated Sky" and had finished "The Calculating Stars" recently. On to ""Relentless Moon"". :)"

April Mendis @aprilmendis

This popped up after I heard this week’s @swordandlaser and now I can’t stop saying “chunk in your funk” and “Roy on your joy”. So thanks for that, @acedtect and @Veronica"


Terra Nullius by Claire G. Coleman


The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner.

Why can't she be bad?


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #417 - Bong!

We've got Dragon Award finalists, a Kickstarter roundup for small publishers, and Tom buys new bookends. Plus, our non-spoiler thoughts on The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry.

Download directly here!

Tom has a new book out: Project VERA by Tom Merritt


John (Taloni) Gail Carriger's latest book, "Ambush or Adore"" is now ready for pre-order with an expected release date of October 1.

Mark: Here Are the 2021 Dragon Award Finalists

Mark: Nuns in Space are back Feb 2022!

Silvana: Amazon’s Lord of the Rings Series Will Debut in September 2022

Chris: Wheel of Time’s Producer Wants to Adapt Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar Universe Next

Kickstarter roundup!

Ruth: Apex Magazine, for which yours truly is a slush reader, is running a Kickstarter for next year

Jan: Uncanny Magazine has launched their new Kickstarter campaign to support ""Uncanny Magazine Year 8: Fly to the Future, Space Unicorns!"

Jan: Tor.com has announced new additions to Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb trilogy series (Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth):

Mark: Dune bookends show off Denis Villeneuve’s take on the sandworm


Beth Mitcham aka @mitchambeth is back with another Twitter review!

CONSIDER PHLEBAS, Iain M. Banks. Anti-hero questions -- is it better to murder and betray people to save your own life or because you are serving an ideal? Does your answer change if you succeed? If you fail? PS. Not for lunchtime reading. @swordandlaser

Drake Tungsten's archive listen continues

Episode 325 takes a hard left turn at 21:15: - Veronica: Tentacle sex. I'm kinda into that. - Tom: Is that the whiskey talking? - Veronica: No. You haven't read 'Cthulhurotica'? [A discussion follows on the definition of hentai and traveling to Japan.]

Tamahome: Veronica has a Kaki King kind of handsomeness:


"pmgordon said in Discord ""I'm thinking of getting a Kobo. I've heard pretty good reviews.""

and amendis replied:

I ordered one after hearing an interview with the head of Kobo on he Reading Glasses podcast. He's really passionate about what he does and it reminded me to be more thoughtful about where I get stuff.

Currently in the middle of Chapter 8 of the audiobook - love the language (and the narrator is excellent.) I agree with @Brent - I'm having a great time with it and will probably incorporate some of the vocab (daintitudinous) into my everyday lexicon."



The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner.

PumpkinStew with some first impressions

Medieval/Renaissance Fantasy vs Victorian Fantasy

Class Structure and Romance


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #416 - Does The Droid Die Dot Com

Poet Andrew Heaton joins us to wrap up our thoughts on Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks. Plus, the greatest zombie film in the world and totally metal T-shirts to show your support of Octavia Butler and other awesome authors.

Download directly here!


Tom: Water (or is it?)

Veronica: Booch Craft hard Kombucha

Heaton: Arizona Sweet Tea (or is it?)


Neil Gaiman’s ‘Anansi Boys’ Ordered to Series at Amazon.

Jan: The 2021 World Fantasy Award Finalists have been announced!

Jan: "Piranesi" has won the Red Tentacle for best Novel in this year's Kitschie Awards

Jan: New Dune Trailer

Joanna: The European Science Fiction Society Awards had been announced.

Mark: For those of you who don't have enough t-shirts, author T's branded like metal band T's.

Jan: In addition to the Amazon Prime Video series, there is also a Wheel of Time film trilogy announced.

Joanna: A24 had acquired right to the adaptation of Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower.


"Tom has Liam Neeson handsomeness." - Tamahome

Tassie Dave: It was cool to see you idiots on video. 😉 Hopefully I can watch IRL next time and comment.
I'm pretty sure laminating stamps will preserve the stamps, but destroy any future value (you idiots 😉 )

Jenny "Tom's pop screen appears to float in space. "Tamahome @tamahome02000

.@swordandlaser Phlebas: I liked the shiny sf Culture stuff more than the gruesome stuff (cough Eaters). The damage chapter was fun. In the end it's pretty dark, but after I got over the hump, one of the last chapters was very dramatic. I even enjoyed the fake appendices.

Dune Pod @dunepod
NEW POD! It’s our 50TH episode and we are delighted to be rejoined by @swordandlaser’s @Veronica to discuss TIME BANDITS (1981). Sean Connery, the evils of modern kitchen appliances, and Veronica sings! It’s a great way to celebrate our big 5-0. https://t.co/DTXt0bg6Sb


Next month: The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner.

Patron book briefing

Wrap Up

Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks

CP: Futility of War

CP: Chapter 6 (possible spoilers)

CP: Final Verdict


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks/

S&L Podcast - #415 - DisCon is not for Disco

DisCon is not for Disco but it could be? Why Veronica and Tom aren't idiots. All the summer reading list fodder your list can take. Who was your first binge? And is hard Sci-Fi cold by nature?

Download directly here!

What Are We Drinking?

Tom: St. Francis Cabernet Sauvignon

Veronica: Sauvignon Blanc New Zealand


Silvana: Clarkeaward shortlist has been announced

Mary Robinette Kowal to Chair DisCon III

Mark: New commemorative stamp goes on sale 7/27/2021

Mark: The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers announced the 2021 Scribe Award winners which are mostly Science Fiction titles this year.

Jan: It's summer, and Vulture has released their list of Best of Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels of 2021 (so far)!

Trike: 5 New And Upcoming Sci-FiThrillers You Won’t Want To Put Down

Jan: Goodread has started its Sci-Fi & Fantasy Week July 12

Jan: The Almighty Tor.com has announced the LeVar Burton Reads"" Writing Contest .


Harold Combs @DevHarryC Really like how salty @Veronica is being in @swordandlaser this week.

Author Binges: Authors you have read the most of at once

What's Your S&L Origin Story?


"Hi Team

I’m pleased you’re reading Banks. For me, there is an interesting point about Banks that works well with the later part of the most recent episode about the nature of diversity and inclusion.

Banks work is very diverse with gender, sexuality and race. A lot of the books talk about gender and sexuality a lot, but not in a preachy way. It is taken for granted that a warrior or spy may be male or female, and sometimes both, and they might be attracted to anyone (or everyone). We see a nice representation of strong and weak characters across all genders.

In The Culture people are free to change gender at will (it takes a few days, you can do it by thinking about it), so being attracted to only one sex doesn’t make any sense in that world.

I’m really impressed at the level of diversity and inclusion in The Culture series considering that the first book is from the 80’s. They still feel very modern, especially as the “science” elements are mostly still quite far out.

The one criticism is that Banks seems to be a bit of a sadist - there’s always a graphic torture scene.

As a straight white male there may be issues that I’m unaware of, but I think he does ok considering that very little of this was on the agenda back in 1987.

It’s hard to identify “the best” Culture book because they are all quite different, but my two favourites are The Player of Games and Excession.

Kind Regards




Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks

CP: first impressions

CP: Is classic hard science fiction "cold"?


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #414 - The Age of Aquarium Shoes

Should Tom enter a book contest? Good Omens season 2 is a good idea. And our final thoughts on Piranesi, problematic and otherwise.

Download directly!


Tom: Milkis

Veronica: Bink Syrah


Mark: 2021 Locus Awards Winners announced

Trike: NPR’S Science Friday has a list of new Science Fiction books to read.

Christos: Netflix released another Witcher Season 2 trailer. I am really excited about this, I really liked s1

Jan: Actor/Singer/Songwriter/Multitalent Janelle Monáe has sold the science fiction short fiction collection

Stephen: S&L BOM author Hugh Howey (Wool) is doing it for Science Fiction, SPSFC ( Self Published Science Fiction Contest) is now a thing .

Jan: The winners if the 2021 Kurd Lasswitz Prize for the best German science fiction works and translations have been announced.

Louie: Something Big Is Coming… Revealing John Scalzi’s The Kaiju Preservation Society

Tamahome: The new trailer for Foundation for Apple is out, and they've announced it's coming out September 24th

Mark: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch Season 2 ordered by Amazon

Mark: When you view the back of the Jade Legacy advance reader copy by Fonda Lee, with the Google Lens app on your phone, a video pops up.


Mark: The Sword & Laser wiki has a new page that could use some eyeballs.

Drake Tungsten @turtleismytotem. First two minutes of Episode 308 - @acedtect: ""Someone did bring their infant to the wedding I was at.""; @Veronica: ""Don't infants just scream incessantly and poop?"

Tamahome @tamahome02000 .@swordandlaser Good luck pronouncing ""Consider Phlebas"", Veronica"

Mark: In Lupin the name of the English Detective varies by publisher and edition. He is known as Herlock Sholmès in US translations, and Holmlock Shears in UK translations. However, there are a few editions of the book where he is known by his true name.

Tamahome: Miyazaki (Princess Mononoke) actually directed an animated Lupin movie years ago, The Castle of Cagliostro. I believe it's on HBO Max.


Next book!

Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks


Piranesi by Susannah Clarke

Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Imaginary Prisons

The Prophet ruined the book for me

Point of View


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #413 - Herlock Shlomes and the Loss of Innocence

Congrats to the Nebula Award winners! Plus, a nine-year-old forum conversation on cover art continues, and our further thoughts on Piranesi (and how learning things can be a bummer sometimes).

Download directly here!


Tom: Chateau de Seguin Bordeaux 2018

Veronica: Gun Bun Chardonnay


Mark: SFWA Announces 56th Annual Nebula Award Winners

Trike: N.K. Jemisin announced a new deal with Sony to adapt her Broken Earth trilogy, which she will write.

Christos: WB is making an anime Lord of the Rings prequel about Helms Deep. From Collider "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim will be directed by Kenji Kamiyama, who started as an animator in such classic films as Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, and Akira. He's best known for directing the cult classic anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (the good one, not the Netflix one)."


Not in our Discord? Well here's one of the conversations you missed!

Tamahome — Today at 7:27 AM

What audiobook should I listen to with my mom on a 4 hour trip?

John Nevets — Today at 8:51 AM

4 hours isn't long. Maybe the first Murderbot novella? But based on some of the other stuff your mother hasn't liked in the past, that may be a tough one. How about one or multiple of the Levar Burton reeds: podcasts? https://www.levarburtonpodcast.com/

LeVar Burton Reads: The Best Short Fiction, Handpicked by the Best Voice in Podcasting

LeVar Burton Reads: The Best Short Fiction, Handpicked by the Best Voice in Podcasting

If it is 4 hours each way, so 8 total. You might fit in some of the shorter Discworld books. Those are always fun.

Tamahome — Today at 10:13 AM

Thanks. She doesn’t like fantasy or sf lol. Picked Joe Pickett #2. It’s only 8 hours and has exploding cows.

John Nevets — Today at 11:21 AM

Exploding cows are always fun. Except when not, I live in WI after all. :wink:"


100 Years of SciFi Tag Map

Cover Art: Is it just me...?

The Clinch - 99 Percent Invisible



Piranesi by Susannah Clarke

How would you name years?

Wish I could remember library school

The dangers of knowledge

S&L Podcast - #412 - The Year Veronica Returned to Sword and Laser

Veronica is back! And we have good news about TorCon, lots of new book recommendations from iO9, thoughts on the phrase "Asian Fantasy' and our kick-off of the June book pick, Piranesi by Susannah Clarke.

Download directly here!


Tom: Ube Horchata

Veronica: Fort Point KSA


Stephen: TorCon 2021 is happening June 10th to the 13th.

Trike: Being locked in our homes for a year boosted book sales in some countries.

Seth: Sword and Laser author Rebecca Roanhorse has won the Reading the West book award for fiction for her novel Black Sun.

Terpkristin: Tor has acquired 6 Martha Wells books, including 3 Murderbot stories.

Chris: Apple picked up Wool for a TV show.

Trike: io9’s new book roundup. Something for everyone here.

Jan: In Awards News Tor.com reports that the African Speculative Fiction Society has announced its shortlist.

Jan: In What's In A Genre Name? The Trouble With 'Asian Fantasy' NPR explores whether the term "Asian Fantasy" is just reductive or - at least at this point in time - still necessary, as well as what could maybe replace the term.


Mark: If you're curious about science fiction and fantasy awards over the years, check out science fiction awards+ database.

Trike: Here is a fresh list of all the SFF awards.


Anne: I had to smile when Tom mused about Aperol Spritz. I guess it's a very European drink as it's omnipresent here. Aperol is actually an Italian bitter, comparable to Campari but with less alcohol. It's usual served mixed with sparkling wine and a slice of orange.

So this was your drink fun fact of the day


I’m a coproducer for a film company in Vancouver, WA. We are looking for sword fighters to cast in a film we are working on. I was wondering if you could ask your fans (I found your facebook page) if anyone in the area is interested in working on this project. More details for those who show interest. They can contact me at bethenielukl@gmail.com, with interest and questions.

Thank you so much for your assistance in this project!



Piranesi by Susannah Clarke

Book briefing


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser.

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #411 - Is Murderbot Art's Murderboo?

The final book of the expanse has been handed in for publication. Feelings of joy and sadness hit Tom. Plus, did Murderbot convert Robb Dunewood into a SciFi fan. Find out!

Download directly here!


Tom: Diet 7-up

Robb: Benner Tea Co. Diet Mango Tea


Richard: Fugitive Telemetry has made Martha Wells a New York Times best seller again. It debuted at 14 in the hardcover fiction best seller list and number 4 in the combined print and e-book list.

Mark: The Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association has announced the 2021 Aurora Awards nominees for works done in 2020 by Canadians, to be voted on by CSFFA members and handed out Oct 16, 2021 at Can-Con.

Alex: The Longlist for the African Speculative Fiction Society’s 2021 Nommo Awards has been announced.

Mark: Punctuation in novels by Adam J Calhoun

Roberator: The final book of the Expanse is complete!

Ruth: Tor dot com have just released a free sampler of their 2021 debut novels


Leesa: re: ""what are we drinking "" I also really like Curious Elixer drinks. #4 (like an Aperol spritz) is my favorite.

PuzzleBound: Something I'm just discovering is the combination of graphic novels from Libby + Kindle app on a tablet. Reading Saga on my nice Galaxy Tab screen I appreciate the incredible artwork even more. And the Kindle app does a surprisingly good job navigating and zooming between cells and pages. I haven't delved much into graphic novels before. It might be time to change that."

Cham1nade: Listening to Robb Dunewood on the latest podcast be happy about discovering scifi he likes is making quite happy, too!

I’m super excited for Veronica to be back, but I’ve loved the guest hosts so much!

Back to Robb Dunewood... I don’t often get to hear the perspective of someone just discovering a genre they hadn’t tried much before. Seeing books through new eyes is so engaging"


NEXT BOOK: Veronica is picking it. We'll announce it later this week on Patreon and in Goodreads


Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel (The Murderbot Diaries)

Seems to have been a hit: @violinknitter: So I should be doing many productive things today. What I *am* doing is devouring Martha Wells’ NETWORK EFFECT for the @swordandlaser bookclub

Chris: When I first encountered the Murderbot series, it was in print. While reading, I kept thinking of Murderbot as female. I'd assumed because the author is female.

Leesa: Kevin R. Free is so good at narrating these stories. I can even tell when Murderbot is saying something parenthetically. My husband and I both laugh out loud a lot.

SMR Podcast


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #410 - My Kind of Murderbot

We have finalists in the Ignyte awards, Locus awards, some upcoming release dates for new Green Bone Saga stories and why our guest host Robb Dunewood rom the SMR podcast has stopped worrying and learned to love the Murderbot.

Download directly here!


Tom: Suntory All-Free

Robb: Curious Elixir Number 4


Mark: Finalists for the 2021 Ignyte Awards were announced today, April 22, on Twitter by FIYAH Litererary Magazine

Silvana: FIYAHCon tickets on sale! The fringe event is free, though based on last year, going to the main event is worth every penny :) (FIYAH is a magazine of black speculative fiction)

Mark: LeVar Burton to Guest Host ‘Jeopardy!’ the week of July 26

John (Taloni) Fugitive Telemetry, the sixth Murderbot book, is now out!

Mark: The Locus Science Fiction Foundation has announced the top ten finalists in each category of the 2021 Locus Awards. The Locus Awards winners will be announced June 26, 2021, during the virtual Locus Awards Weekend.

Mark: Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee, the final chapter of the Green Boone Saga, has a release date: November 30 in the US and Canada, December 2 in the UK.

Ms. Lee will also release three Green Bone Saga prequel short stories in September, October and November And in April 2022, The Jade Setter of Janloon, a standalone noir mystery novella set in the Green Bone Saga world, will be published by Subterranean Press.


Trike had an excellent response on Goodreads regarding the question of the rise of the category of Young Adult. here's part of that response

"The first book targeted specifically at teens was Seventeenth Summer by Maureen Daly, in 1942. Publishers were split between calling teen-focused books “juveniles” and “teen reads” through the 40s and 50s, with Robert Heinlein’s 1947-1958 juveniles being among the few which weren’t either romance-themed (“teen reads”) for girls or sports-themed (“juveniles”) for boys.

The ALA created the Young Adult Services Division in 1957. Later that year publishers began calling their juveniles “Young Adult Novels”. Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea (1968) is considered one of the first “modern” YA books, tackling mature themes but aimed at teens.

Look at sci-fi, being all up in there first."


Joseph added "IIRC, the public library that I went to when I was growing up (so, 1970s into 1980s) had a children's room (with the picture books and the chapter books kind of split up from each other) and a section in a nearby room that was called "teen" but which was functionally the same as what would be YA these days -- kind of that junior high/high school range of books. "


terpkristin: I liked how Jenny mentioned listening to the Murderbot novellas in the shower. In the before times, I would go to the gym and listen to podcasts while I worked out. There were TVs everywhere and music playing overhead, so I couldn't focus on books. But since covid lockdowns started, I workout on the elliptical in my basement and I listen to books. I wasn't really every super excited about the Murderbot books, but now that one is the pick, I'll probably listen to the novellas while I workout before I start the book. Of course, while I'm in the shower I usually listen to podcasts (but this podcast was while waiting to get bloodwork done this morning). ;) :P


And if you're worried about Jenny electrocuting herself listenign to podcasts int he shower, rest assured. She clarified "I have the BOOM/Polk Swimmer duo that wraps around my shower caddy very well, and also has a fast forward feature to get through obnoxious commercials on podcasts. "



Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel (The Murderbot Diaries)

Book briefing

MelissaMelody in Discord: This is the most recent book in the series tho, and having read the series it is rather dependent on the previous novellas....

Roberator in Discord: I dont' feel like you need to read ALL of the novellas, but I feel like 2 and 3 are pretty important. and if you're going to read those 2, you should read the first.. and if you've read the first 3...

BethMitcham in Discord: If you decide to go back and read the novellas you will have the pleasure of knowing where things are going, which is a joy those of us who read in order will never have. Swings and roundabouts.

SMR Podcast


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #409 - Home is the People We Choose

Hugo awards are out and we’ve almost read all the authors! Jenny Colvin from Reading Envy is back but we also have hints of a new forthcoming host of Sword and Laser. Plus our last delightful thoughts about the House in the Cerulean Sea!


Tom: Coffee Dalgona

Jenny: Peppermint Bark Tea


Any news or announcements

Mark and Jan: Hugos!

Richard: The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones won the 2020 Ray Bradbury Prize for Science Fiction, Fantasy & Speculative Fiction.

Elizabeth: Lois McMaster Bujold accidentally wrote a novel-length Penric installment:

BARE YOUR SWORD - add time stamp!

Feedback from the audienceJerry Perez: Finished this today. Great audiobook production. Fantastical story that needs to be a television series yesterday! (The City We Became by NK Jemisin)

Trike: Young Adult and New Adult are the only marketing-derived genres. I know a lot of people believe that all genres are marketing gimmicks, but it isn’t true. With only a couple exceptions, most genres existed before modern marketing, and the few which arose after the type of advertising we associate with contemporary entertainment faced an uphill battle of acceptance because they originated among the unwashed public. The high-falutin gatekeepers always dismiss things which come from the lowly filthy rabble.

In the Before Times my PhD thesis was on genres, which is why I can state that with such certainty. It began as a focus on film genre but morphed into all genres. Just to underscore how “before” it was, the first draft of my paper began before Urban Fantasy was named.

I’m an old.

From the Discord:

Tassie Dave: I expect we will get more author interviews once Veronica finishes her Maternity Leave. The last one was Dennis E. Taylor (of the Bobiverse) last July.
Tamahome — 04/06/2021
When does Veronica finish?
Tassie Dave — 04/06/2021
They never said when. I guess when she has time. Which I'd guess would be when her son turns 18 Kenley Neufeld: Just completed “House in the Cerulean Sea” for @swordandlaser. A sweet and funny story of love, discrimination, goodness, and magic. Now turning to “The Luminous Dead” for something completely different.



Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel (The Murderbot Diaries)

Our May host will be Robb Dunewood of the SMR Podcast (and our June host is scheduled to be Adobe Product Manager, Veronica Belmont)


The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

Kharl — 04/14/2021
I was a bit skeptical about the book at the start, thinking it a bit childish. Man was I glad I looked past that. What a wonderful story./dev/tea — 04/13/2021
Just finished, and this book is a perfect case in point for why I love the Sword and Laser. I mentioned before that I voted against this pick every time. I wouldn't have picked this up in a hundred years, but it was a great read and as someone else said, utterly charming.GrannyWeatherwax — Yesterday at 7:44 PM
Really enjoyed it. It was a cozy listen as an audiobook. I appreciated the science fantasy setting: both the vague dystopian part and the cerulean sea. I liked how the characters were generally kind and made in-character decisions. I also appreciated that it had a plot—which resolved! Several other feel-good science fiction novels from recent years had wonderful settings and characters, but not much plot. THITCS had all three.

I am going to miss the kids now that I am done with the story.

swarbs — 04/18/2021
I'm almost tempted to dip into fan fic for this one, it would be great fodder for sort of slice of life stories. Talia entering a garden competition, or Chaunceys first day as a real bell hop, something like that. There could have been another hundred pages of that sort of stuff in the book and I'd have read it happily.


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks/

S&L Podcast - #408 - You Can't Spell Young Adult without Adult

WorldCon is delayed but it's not canceled and we have other awards to tide you over. Plus the hard scifi argument over Blindsight rises like a vampire at night and we kick off our April read, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune with special guest host from Reading Envy Jenny Colvin!


Tom: MR. BROWN Iced Coffee – Caramel Latte

Jenny: Potter's Craft Cider - Strawberry Ginger Cider


WorldCon 2021 has been delayed from August to December 15th through the 19th.

Jan: Tor.com reports that HarperColllins will release a special new omnibus edition of Lord of the Rings that will feature Tolkien's own drawings created for the trilogy.

Mark: Lost Russian made-for-tv adaptation of Lord of the Rings found; now on Youtube

Mark: The 2021 Lammy finalists for LGBTQ Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror are in. Winners in all categories to be announced June 1 at a virtual Lammys ceremony which is free for all to attend.

Mark: The 2021 Philip K. Dick Award Winner for distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2020 in the U.S.A.

Jan: And the British Science Fiction Awards have been awarded as well --- the winner for Best Novel is The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin!

Jan: Geek & Sundry "Critical Role" will in partnership with Penguin Random House and Del Rey publish its first fantasy novel "Kith & Kin will hit shelves October 26, 2021.


"In our Discord: PuzzleBound — Yesterday at 2:05 PM

I just finished The Goblin Emperor and went back and listened to the related S&L episodes from 2015. I came for the Goblin Emperor discussion but stayed for everything else. The time capsule nature of the podcasts are so great. Debates about how HBO could best finish Game of Thrones, the perfect tv show, now that we've caught up to the books. Hype around Station Eleven featuring a far fetched global pandemic. The imminent release of Book 4 of The Gentlemen Bastards series. Full confidence in the awesomeness of a Ready Player One helmed by Steven Spielberg. A nice reminder of how unknowable the future is."


" TT Linse @tt_linse

@swordandlaser Seriously, you all are manna from heaven for lonely readers in the hinterlands!!"


"Also from Discord: Aaron Bell — 04/05/2021

Reading/listening Blindsight for another book club. this one has been on my list for a long time. So do space-faring vampires make it a Sword or a Laser? It seems to lean heavily to the latter, but I am only 15% in.

It looks like this was an S&L read back in 2011.

Tassie Dave — 04/05/2021

I remember at the time that Blindsight was pitched as being ""Hard Science Fiction"" which a few people had a problem with, because Vampires. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :bat: :vampire: :bat: I think most people see it as sci-fi, but maybe not Hard sci-fi. " https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/537291-is-this-truly-hard-sci-fi


Terpkristin: SOOOO excited to see Jenny as guest host! Also wow a book I voted for won. This is the first time that's happened in March Madness I think. :)


Reading the runner up Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

Thanks Jenny from Reading Envy


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks