S&L Podcast - #422 - Horror is Like Cheese

Veronica and Tom discover why horror is like cheese. Plus the reason a German book is being made into an English TV show by Germans. And our spoilery final thoughts on NOS4A2 by Joe Hill!

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Tom: San Pellegrino

Veronica: Fort Point Animal


Trike: The Expanse, s6 (final season) teaser, December 10, Amazon Prime.

Jan: German TV Broadcaster ZDF adapts the domestic 2004 hit science fiction novel The Swarm by author Frank Schätzing in English for international audiences

Mark: In a followup discussion to last year's Post Apocalyptic Present, the Supreme Laser joins Blanca López, Ian Tregillis, Lonnie Nadler, Mark Russell, and Paul Constant in a discussion about Post Apocalyptic Past, hosted by Dan Campos.

Cammy: The Star Trek novelverse is coming to an end with a trilogy of books

Seth: Lit Hub picks the 25 most iconic book covers ever, and quite a few SFF covers make the list.

NOS4A2, Joe Hill. Wimpy me is proud of making it through this book, although I read a lot of it peering through my fingers. Kid danger is kryptonite for me, and this ride was fueled by it. Hill knows how to get pages turned.

Charlie Manx from Nos4as2 is obviously patterned after Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

NOS4A2 is great, really dark and disturbing. From my
@goodreads review, “The idea that ‘we live in two worlds... the real world... [and] the world of thought’ is the powerful and thought-provoking theme of Hill's book.”


NOS4A2 by Joe HIll

Not Just Horror - Also Urban Fantasy

From Tamahome on Discord: "Here Is Every Stephen King Reference Joe Hill Included In 'NOS4A2'" (also a thread from Buzz in Goodreads)

NOS4A2: An unexpected gut-punch (SPOILERS)


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S&L Podcast - #421 - N0T4U2?

Some things aren't for everybody, like our current read NOS4A2, or the new Game of Thrones trailer. But don't worry, there are plenty of other great things to read like the British Fantasy Award winners and more!

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Tom: St. Francis Cabernet

Veronica: Woodford Reserve


Buzz: the Leviathan Falls: Expanse, Book 9 release date has been pushed back 2 weeks (again) from Nov 16th to Nov 30th (and December 2 in the UK) 😭😭😭

Jan: The British Fantasy Awards have been announced

Jan: Laura Jean McKay has been announced as the winner of the 2021 Arthur C. Clarke Award for her novel The Animals in That Country"

Jan: From Locus Mag: A Thousand Li: The Second Sect"" by Tao Wong is one of the five titles on the 2021 Kindle Storyteller Award shortlist

Trike: Never Fear, Here Are 63 New Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Books to Ease You Into Spooky Season


Jan -- Mini Rant: I don't like (audio)books adopting the covers of movies.

Eric -- Not to argue with Tom too much, but the idea of the Saxons invading and driving out the Celts is out of favor now with archeologists. DNA testing is debunking the hypothesis.

The new idea is that a small number of Saxons and related peopled moved to Britain an the locals adopted Saxon ways.

Tamahome -- I wonder if Veronica makes her own kombucha.

Trike --

Re: wine —

I’m not an oenophile and the only wine I’ve ever actually liked was a white merlot (not a typo). But, one of the things I’ve picked up over the years is that this stuff about “white goes with fish” and “red goes with meat” and “MD 20/20 goes with meth” is that all of that is nonsense that’s a result of some petty palace politics back in the day.

Like the dumb “never split an infinitive”, this is not a real rule. So don’t feel bad about your wine preferences. Just because some old French guy got in a fight with some old British guy and they picked sides shouldn’t dictate your choices.


NOS4A2 by Joe HIll

House of the Dragon trailer