S&L Podcast - #255 - Just the One Planet

We are excited for a new space opera from John Scalzi, not new but awesome Nebula Award winners, and we get teary-eyed over an A.I. as we wrap up Kim Stanley Robinson's Aurora.

Download directly here!

Tom: Jameson's
Veronica: Omission Lager
Louie: Details on John Scalzi's new book (due out March 2017), a space opera set in a brand new universe, and the start of a new series.
Clyde:  Scalzi got another award -- a somewhat unusual one. Well deserved say I.
Silvana: Nebula Award Winners
Sean: The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch finally has an official drop date - September 22
Dara: NK Jemisin has set up a Patreon to help her quit her day job so she can focus full time on writing.
Louie: Spielberg wants your 3D avatars to appear in Ready Player One.
SporadicReviews: Audiobooks keeping publishing afloat
I wanted to submit to you my first album "Cadence" a cyberpunk concept album due out June 7th at neonshudder.bandcamp.com/album/cadence

It's a bit different from typical concept albums in that it's almost completely instrumental.  The actual story component is an included 100+ page PDF that contains chapters corresponding to each track on the album along with artwork to add even more life to the  story. The album itself is like a soundtrack to the included story.

It's a completely original cyberpunk story set on the fictional island of "Cadence." It follows a group of couriers/detectives who are hired to find the culprit of a series of high profile murders in the cyberpunk city of Cadence.

I also wanted to shoot you some download codes in the event that you do dig it and wanted to pass it around to other people or whatever.


Next month: Updraft, Fran Wilde (Audible version)    


Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson
AUR: The Voting    
AUR: The last section? (Spoilerish)
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