S&L Podcast - #367 - Shitposting Stephen King with Sam Sykes

We explain why the Tiptree Award is now the Otherwise award, welcome the casting of Apple's Foundation TV show, and Sam Sykes has a message for Stephen King (and Myke Cole).

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Tom: Thomas Allen Selections Generations Red Blend 2016

Veronica: Water


Mark: New Expanse novella coming in December Auberon by James S.A. Corey

TRP: Stephen Moore, the original voice of Marvin the Paranoid Android on radio and TV, has died.

Joanna: The Foundation series for Apple TV starts filming on November 11th in Ireland.

Louie: Lee Pace and Jared Harris join the cast of Foundation, a 10 episode adaptation of the Isaac Asimov classic from Apple TV+. Harris will be Hari Seldon, the psychohistorian who foresees the fall of the galactic empire, while Pace will play Brother Day, the current Emperor of the Galaxy.

Tassie Dave: This years Booker Prize has gone to a SFF book.

It was won jointly by Margaret Atwood for The Testaments and Bernadine Evaristo for Girl, Woman, Other

This is Atwood's 2nd Booker Prize. She also won in 2000 for The Blind Assassin

Bernadine Evaristo is the first black woman to win the award.”

Seth: Another speculative fiction award has elected to change its name. The James Tiptree Jr. Award will now be the Otherwise Award.

James Tiptree Jr. was the pen name of Alice Sheldon

On May 19, 1987, she shot first her husband, Huntington Sheldon, and then herself. He was 84 years old; she was 71. He was blind and disabled.

It has been described by some including members of the family as a suicide pact.

Others have come to see it as possibly caregiver murder.

The Tiptree Jr award was started in 1991

To remind audiences of the role gender plays in both reading and writing, the award was named in Sheldon's honor at the suggestion of Karen Joy Fowler.

Otherwise Award, drawing on Black queer feminist scholarship around what is termed ""otherwise politics".


"Sal vs Mags

Wrapping up Trail of Lightning, you compared Mags and Kate Daniels. Would like to hear your thoughts comparing Sal the Cacophony with Mags, since the fall theme seems to be bad-ass women mage/witch/monster hunters.”


280 Character Book Review by Beth Mitcham:

TRAIL OF LIGHTNING, Rebecca Roanhorse. I loved the complex characters in this. The heroine and her friends did some bad stuff and the villains could be sympathetic. And sometimes it was tough to say which were which. Looking at you, Kai.

I'm a big fan of the re-read. I just finished LotR, for the 6-7th time, read the Silo series again, and have started Kingkiller, and Expanse is next up. I intersperse between new reads, though. I have @Veronica's same guilt about not reading ALL my many books.

Sometimes rereading an old favorite the best way to get over a bad read

Listening to your new episode. I love to re-read is "Lightning" by Dean Koontz. I also like to re-read "Duma Key" and "From a Buick 8" by Stephen King. On the nonfiction front, I like to re-read "The Island of the Seven Cities".

would you ever bring any of the other former hosts of Vaginal Fantasy onto the podcast as guest stars or stage a mini reunion?It'd be great fun to hear what they think about the latest Sword picks.

Next month:

The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge


Sam Sykes Website


Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes

S&L Podcast - #366 - Just Crack Me Open and Take a Look

Should you feel guilty for re-reading? The answer is no. But you shouldn't feel guilty for not re-reading too. Plus our fantasy casting of A Darker Shade of Magic is pretty much all Keanu.

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Chris Kluwe (former kicker for the Minnesota Vikings) announced his new book, a scifi novel that is a, "love/hate letter to gaming." Otaku will be out in March and published by Tor Books. The cover is excellent.

Joanna: Bloomsbury announced Piranesi , a new novel by Susanna Clarke.

Ruth: This Reddit thread is an absolute delight

William: The third book in the Athena Club series which began with the S&L pick The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter is now out. It has the wonderful title of The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl.

Dara: John Wick Writer to Bring V.E. Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic to Film. Derek Kolstad will be writing the adaptation for Sony

Joanna: The Hunger Games prequel is called The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and it’ out on May 19, 2020.

Seth: It's not terribly often a sword or laser book shows up on short-lists for big literary awards, but Marlon James's Black Leopard, Red Wolf made the short-list for this year's national book awards.

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In defense of reading the same book over and over again


October Pick!

Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes

Book Briefing


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S&L Podcast - #155 - Why Sam Sykes is for Sharks and the Alliance

We had a really good time chatting with Sam Sykes, author of the Aeon's Gate series. Among other things, we learned what a flying shark is good for, why he left the Horde, what a "stealfie" is, and how Sam keeps his daily threat-making to a minimum. Plus your questions!

We had a really good time chatting with Sam Sykes, author of the Aeon's Gate series. Among other things, we learned what a flying shark is good for, why he left the Horde, what a "stealfie" is, and how Sam keeps his daily threat-making to a minimum. Plus your questions!  Enjoy.

Sam Sykes official website

And just because....


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