S&L Podcast - #365 - But Lin-Manuel Miranda!

Targaryen TV show possible? Check. Clifford Simak movie on Netflix? Check. Far Side back? Check. Showtime turns down The Kingkiller Chronicle TV show? WHAT?! BUT LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA!

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Tom: St. Francis Old Vine Zinfandel

Veronica: McKenzie Bourbon


Dara: HBO is close to ordering a Targaryen-centric prequel to Game of Thrones. It is reportedly set "300 years before the events in Game of Thrones and tracks the beginning of the end for House Targaryen."

Tamahome: Io9: Clifford Simak's Way Station to be adapted for Netflix

TRP - This has been mentioned elsewhere in the Sword and Laser group but not here so ...

Richard Dormer (Beric Dondarrion in Game of Thrones) has been announced as Sam Vines in the tv series The Watch based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.

Sam Vines is the commander of the Ankh Morpork City Watch...

The TV series is based on characters from the City Watch rather than any individual book"

Dara: Unfortunately Showtime has passed on the Kingkiller adaptation from Lin-Manuel Miranda. The show will be shopped to other networks but as for now, the project isn’t happening.

Mark: S&L Murderbot fans can enjoy the cover reveal and read a much too brief excerpt of the forthcoming full-length novel, Network Effect by Martha Wells, over at io9

Mark: Brian McClellan is Kickstarting his next urban fantasy novel, Blood Tally
He has finished writing the book, a followup to Uncanny Collateral. The Kickstarter will fund production costs for self-publishing the book"

Dara: V.E. Schwab's The Archived is being adapted for the CW by the team that made Jane the Virgin. From Variety:
In the series, the eldest child in a family of ghost hunters, Bex has trained her entire life for the day she’ll take up the mantle of “the chosen one.” But when her dad dies and her local-weather-girl sister wakes up with the familial powers instead, these night-and-day sisters will have to figure out how to work together and save the world"


HT to @swordandlaser for the recommendation of volume 1 - Theft of Swords. My first read along with one of their picks and it was a home run. - Chris Beverwyk

The Far Side

What villain has caused the most damage?


October Pick!

Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes

Book Briefing


Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse

Book Briefing


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #364 - Kick Your Problems in the Face

Fran Wilde's op-ed from the future sounds hilarious. N. K. Jemisin's new novel sounds awesome. And Andy Weir's short story has been adapted into a cool short film. So much good reading out there! Plus our thoughts on why Trail of Lightning has us thinking that sometimes you just have to kick your problems in the face.

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Mark: The New York Times is publishing Op-Eds from the future. The latest was written by a S+L author. The comments are entertaining too.


Please, Stop Printing Unicorns
Bioprinters are not toys, and parents shouldn’t give them to children.
By Fran Wilde

Update: There are links to more Op-Eds from the future in the article, including some written by other familiar authors: Ted Chiang, Hannu Rajaniemi, and Steven James.

Dara: Entertainment Weekly has a preview of N.K. Jemisin's upcoming novel, The City We Became. The story is an expansion of her short story The City Born Great, which you can read on Tor. You can also find the story in How Long 'til Black Future Month?.

From the article:

"The city of New York comes to life — literally, as in, the city has developed sentience and an ability to act on its own,"" Jemisin teases to EW. ""And because there’s a dangerous otherworldly tourist lurking about, trying to supernaturally gentrify the city to death, New York chooses five human champions to fight for it. Problem: they don’t know they’ve been recruited for a magical, interdimensional battle, although they figure it out pretty quickly when possessed toilet stalls attack, backyard pools turn into portals to monsterville, and traffic on the FDR becomes a literal, tentacled, killer."

Louie: Andy Weir's story, The Egg, gets adapted into a short film by Munich-based animation studio, Kurzgesagt (translation- In a Nutshell).

Anne: Bustle has a list of 20 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books From The 2010s That You Definitely Shouldn't Miss. It‘s focused on female and LGBTQ writers from what I can gather, though it doesn’t say so specifically

Dara: Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle is being adapted for tv. A24 and producer Jennifer Fox will be adapting it with Le Guin's blessing, which she gave before she passed. This will be the first adaptation with her approval.

@charliejane: YES IT'S TRUE. Now it can be told! The incredibly smart humans who translated all of the coolness of The Expanse to the screen are now turning their giant brains to my book The City in the Middle of the Night. I'm so glad I no longer have to freak out in silence! )exec producer Sharon Hall)"

Stubble: Earlier in the week Daniel Henney, known for his roles in Criminal minds, Hawaii five-o and several other roles joined the cast of Amazon's Wheel of Time series. He's going to be playing the stoic Warder and Blademaster Lan Mandragoran.
He'll be joining the other cast which as of yet consists of Rosamunde Pike as Moiraine and five unknown young actors who's shown great acting skills in the few projects they've been part of so far.
You can see @WoTonPrime's twitter announcement of Daniel Henney's casting here.
You can see "The Hollywood Reporter's" article about the upcoming Wheel of Time series here.
Filming is expected to start on the 16th of September. It's exactly 12 years after Robert Jordan passed away.

Sponsor: Orphan Black the next chapter from Serial Box.


Gary, @seniorgeek49 sez: Reading Trail of Ligtning for @swordandlaser? Want your own Böker? Better hurry:

Review of The Poppy War, by S&L SF group member Robert!

What is the average sword to sorcery ratio in fantasy?


Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse

Book Briefing

Sword and Laser interview with Rebecca Roanhorse.


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks