Tom: Yorkshire Gold Tea
Veronica: Water
We funded!! Thank you so much to everyone who backed the Season 2 Kickstarter. We’ll send out updates as we get details on things like add-ons and of course shoot dates and post dates for the shows!
Own William Gibson's bomber jacket!
Neil Gaiman wrote this fairy tale short film about a girl that can fly
Crowdfunding an sf/f mag for teens
Singularity & Co. is saving the sci-fi, one pulp novel at a time.
The Top 101 Science Fiction Adventures
Guillermo Del Toro's TV series greenlit
HBO no longer developing AMERICAN GODS
Adaptation Watch: Robert J. Sawyer’s TRIGGERS Optioned for Film, Sawyer to Write Screenplay
J.R.R. Tolkien Biopic Being Developed
A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent by Marie Brennan
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Dear Tom and Veronica (and Tom's dogs)
Just dropping a quick line to say that I really enjoyed your Myke Cole interview - Myke came across as a really engaging, gracious and humble guy, and I've downloaded Control Point to Kindle so that I can make a start on Shadow Ops.
Thanks, as always, for Sword and Laser - I'm afraid that I'm struggling a bit with Ancillary Justice this month, but regardless of how I'm getting on with the month's read, the podcast contains so much discussion of Sci-Fi/Fantasy as a whole that it's a must-listen, each week.
All the best from the UK
Ralph aka slowfox
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